Title: Decoupling optimisation of 12-degree-of-freedom mount system
Authors: Zhihong Lin; Dezhao Lin; Di Gong; Yunxiao Chen; Mingzhong Wu
Addresses: College of Intelligent Manufacturing, Xiamen City University, Xiamen Fujian 361008, China ' College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, HuaQiao University, Xiamen, 361021, China ' College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, HuaQiao University, Xiamen, 361021, China ' College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, HuaQiao University, Xiamen, 361021, China ' College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, HuaQiao University, Xiamen, 361021, China
Abstract: To solve the vibration problem caused by the coupling of the powertrain and the mount system composed of the vehicle frame, the 12-degree-of-freedom mount system is used as the research object. Firstly, the natural frequency, decoupling rate and powertrain displacement response of the 6 and 12 degrees of freedom mount systems are solved. Secondly, the spectral radius of the coupling matrix of the 12-degree-of-freedom mount system is solved. The coupling matrix is shown to converge, and the vehicle frame centre-of-mass displacement response equation is solved by the coupling matrix without considering the road excitation. Finally, a multi-objective genetic algorithm is used to optimise the mount system with the maximum decoupling rate and the minimum vehicle centre-of-mass displacement response as the optimisation objectives. The numerical values show that the decoupling optimisation method better solves the coupling problem of the mount system and decreases the powertrain and vehicle frame displacement vibration response.
Keywords: 6 degrees of freedom; 12 degrees of freedom; mount system; multi-objective genetic algorithm.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVNV.2022.125592
International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, 2022 Vol.18 No.1/2, pp.1 - 21
Received: 24 May 2021
Accepted: 09 Aug 2021
Published online: 16 Sep 2022 *