Title: The dynamic relationship between combined pollution, consumption and production of renewable electricity and sustainable development in Iran

Authors: Zahra Fotourehchi

Addresses: Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Economics, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, P.O. Box 56199-11367, Ardabil, Iran

Abstract: This study investigates the dynamic causal relations between combined pollution, production and consumption of renewable electricity, and sustainable development in Iran. The research has benefited from the autoregressive distributed lag cointegration method during 2010-2018. Based on the results, consumption of renewable electricity has a beneficial impact on combined pollution in the long-run, whereas a detrimental effect in the short-run. Moreover, renewable electricity production and sustainable development statistically affect combined pollution with positive signs whether in the long-run or the short-run. Furthermore, the findings indicate that in the short-run, a unidirectional Granger causality runs negatively from renewable electricity consumption to combined pollution and positively from renewable electricity production to sustainable development, but not vice versa. A positive bidirectional Granger causality is evident between renewable electricity production and combined pollution and also between renewable electricity production and consumption. Finally, it can be concluded that there is a unidirectional Granger causality in the long-run.

Keywords: renewable electricity consumption; renewable electricity production; combined pollution; sustainability.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEP.2021.125191

International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 2021 Vol.69 No.1/2, pp.63 - 79

Received: 11 May 2021
Accepted: 12 Jan 2022

Published online: 01 Sep 2022 *

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