Title: Water energy food security nexus: perspectives and challenges in Balochistan, Pakistan

Authors: Warda Gul; Muhammad Makki; Tughral Yamin

Addresses: Centre for International Peace and Stability, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), H-12 44000, Islamabad, Pakistan ' Centre for International Peace and Stability, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), H-12 44000, Islamabad, Pakistan ' Centre for International Peace and Stability, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), H-12 44000, Islamabad, Pakistan

Abstract: This paper utilises the autoregressive distributive lag model to examine the interrelationship between the overall water availability in Pakistan with HDI to uncover the correlation between water insecurity and the standard of living. The paper encapsulates the implications of the water energy food nexus and its challenges in identifying the role water security plays in food and energy production. This analysis helps understand the non-traditional security threats in Balochistan's case under the combined umbrella of the WEF nexus. It further uncovers the different causes of water scarcity in Balochistan and helps understand the role of water property rights. Findings report several projected WEF challenges: inequitable distribution of resources, shortage of dams, poor policy-making and low precipitation. Finally, coupled with high inflation and inadequate distribution of food resources within different regions of Balochistan, this paper reiterates the significance of the nexus and interconnects the WEF insecurities under one paradigm.

Keywords: autoregressive distributed lag; ARDL; Balochistan; cointegration analysis; food production; HDI; water scarcity; WEF nexus; WEF challenges; Pakistan.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSSOC.2022.124863

International Journal of Sustainable Society, 2022 Vol.14 No.2, pp.165 - 183

Received: 28 Mar 2022
Accepted: 25 Apr 2022

Published online: 11 Aug 2022 *

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