Title: The economics of climate change: an overview of the Stern review
Authors: Richard Welford
Addresses: University of Hong Kong
Abstract: The most comprehensive review ever carried out on the economics of climate change was commissioned by the UK Chancellor in July 2005. It was been carried out by Sir Nicholas Stern, Head of the Government Economic Service and former World Bank Chief Economist. Most press coverage has highlighted the catastrophic implications of not acting to reduce greenhouse gases. But, in fact, the conclusion of the review is essentially optimistic. This overview outlines the review|s findings.
Keywords: climate change; economics; greenhouse gases; Stern review.
DOI: 10.1504/IJISD.2006.012426
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 2006 Vol.1 No.3, pp.260 - 262
Published online: 12 Feb 2007 *
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