Title: A survey of multi-signature schemes for XML documents

Authors: Jatin Arora; Ketti Ramchandran Ramkumar; Pavneet Kaur

Addresses: Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India ' Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India ' Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India

Abstract: Extensible markup language (XML) is a widely used data exchange format in various fields for data transmission over the web. But due to security risk, the privacy of XML documents cannot be ensured, and hence sharing of data had become the major challenge. Web vulnerabilities cause threats to XML data confidentiality and integrity. There is a set of security mechanisms such as encryption, decryption, digital signature, and validations, which are applied to XML documents. Signing a document is the commonly used method for ensuring the authentication, non-repudiation, and integrity in which only a single signer is responsible for signing a document. But nowadays, the responsibility of signing a document is shared among multiple signers instead of a single signer which results in increasing the popularity of using multi-signature schemes. Therefore, a document may have multiple signatures and the integrity of the entire document depends upon it. This arises the need of studying various multi-signature schemes. Here, in this paper, various developments in the era of multi-signature schemes as well as its application areas are discussed.

Keywords: extensible markup language; XML; SSL/TLS; multi-signature; XML vulnerabilities.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCC.2022.122035

International Journal of Cloud Computing, 2022 Vol.11 No.2, pp.171 - 186

Received: 30 Jul 2019
Accepted: 27 Jun 2020

Published online: 08 Apr 2022 *

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