Title: Body adornment and interaction aesthetics: a new frontier for assistive wearables

Authors: Patrizia Marti; Annamaria Recupero

Addresses: Department of Social Political and Cognitive Sciences, University of Siena, Italy ' Department of Social Political and Cognitive Sciences, University of Siena, Italy

Abstract: The paper addresses the challenge of balancing the tension between a problem-solving attitude in the design of assistive devices, with an ethical aesthetic, and cultural approach to design for people living with a temporary or permanent impairment. The topic is developed presenting two design cases. The first case addresses a permanent disability. It is a suite of smart jewels tailored for hearing impairment, which sense environmental sounds (e.g., doorbell, someone calling) and notify the wearer of their occurrence through different modalities (light patterns, vibrations, shape changes). The second case addresses a temporary impairment. It is an orthodontic facemask for the correction of malocclusions in children that has customised aesthetics and ergonomics and is associated with a digital game. The cases illustrate the experience-centred participatory design adopted to mitigate the stigma associated with current wearable assistive devices and promote a cultural shift to transform assistive wearables into beautiful, playful, gender-appropriate accessories.

Keywords: wearables; assistive devices; experience-centred design; participatory design; disability; temporary impairment; aesthetics.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBSR.2022.121142

International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 2022 Vol.16 No.2, pp.163 - 182

Received: 28 Feb 2020
Accepted: 13 May 2020

Published online: 28 Feb 2022 *

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