Title: The theory and practice of Reverse Logistics
Authors: Laura Meade, Joseph Sarkis, Adrien Presley
Addresses: Department of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, MJ Neeley School of Business, Texas Christian University, TCU Box 298530, Ft. Worth TX 76129, USA. ' Graduate School of Management, Clark University, 950 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610–1477, USA. ' Division of Business and Accountancy, Truman State University, 100 East Normal, Kirksville, MO 63501, USA
Abstract: This paper provides a review of the literature on Reverse Logistics (RL). It provides an overview of definitions, research and research opportunities in this field. It is a timely and important concept with significant international research under completion at this time. Ample opportunities exist for the growth of this field due to its multi-functional, and interdisciplinary focus. It also is critical for organisations to consider from both an economic and environmental perspective. All these issues are discussed and summarised in this paper.
Keywords: reverse logistics; literature review.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2007.012070
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2007 Vol.3 No.1, pp.56 - 84
Published online: 16 Jan 2007 *
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