Title: A biometric-based secure, energy efficient, lightweight authentication protocol for wireless body area networks
Authors: T. Santhi Vandana; S. Venkateswarlu
Addresses: KLEF (Deemed to be University), Vaddeswaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India ' KLEF (Deemed to be University), Vaddeswaram, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Abstract: Wireless body area networks are one of the important categories of wireless networks for remote healthcare monitoring using wearable computing devices. In WBANs, it must be guaranteed that the privacy of users is not exposed to unauthorised entities while sending and receiving the data. Hence, a proficient and secure authentication protocol is highly essential in WBANs. Conventional security protocols have restricted and few protocols cannot protect the privacy of users. In this work, a secure, energy-efficient, lightweight authentication protocol is proposed for securing WBAN that performs authentication session key establishment in privacy-preserving data aggregation. The proposed protocol provides confidentiality, integrity, availability and authenticity of data. Based on the security analysis, it is clear that the proposed protocol provides powerful protection than majority of the available schemes in insecure channels.
Keywords: wireless body area networks; WBANs; authentication protocol; biometrics; electrocardiogram; security protocols; wireless sensor networks.
International Journal of Cloud Computing, 2021 Vol.10 No.4, pp.319 - 330
Received: 22 Jun 2019
Accepted: 07 Apr 2020
Published online: 29 Nov 2021 *