Title: Joint users' pairing and resource allocation for non orthogonal multiple access

Authors: Ghassan Alnwaimi

Addresses: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering King Abdulaziz University, 21589, Saudi Arabia

Abstract: In non orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), the base station transmits data to weak and strong users randomly chosen. In this paper, we suggest two strategies for users' paring maximising the average or instantaneous total throughput. We also perform joint users' pairing and resource allocation. We choose the best bandwidth and power allocation as well as user pairing in order to maximise the instantaneous or average total throughput. NOMA average and instantaneous total throughput maximisation by smart users' pairing as well as bandwidth and power allocation is novel and not yet suggested. Our results are based on users' ranking using instantaneous channel gains for Rayleigh channels. Instantaneous throughput maximisation allows 1-6 dB gain with respect to average throughput maximisation.

Keywords: NOMA; non orthogonal multiple access; OMA; orthogonal multiple access; power allocation; resource allocation; users' pairing.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSNET.2021.117482

International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2021 Vol.36 No.4, pp.216 - 221

Received: 12 Oct 2020
Accepted: 11 Jan 2021

Published online: 08 Sep 2021 *

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