Title: The influence path of community environment and residents' health in the case of Fuzhou, China
Authors: Lizhen Zhao; Zhenjiang Shen; Yanji Zhang
Addresses: School of Architecture and Urban-Rural Planning, Fuzhou University, China; International Joint SPSD Lab, Fuzhou University and Kanazawa University, 350116, Fuzhou, China ' School of Geoscience and Civil Engineering, Kanazawa University, 920-1192, Kanazawa, Japan; International Joint SPSD Lab, Fuzhou University and Kanazawa University, China ' School of Architecture and Urban-Rural Planning, Fuzhou University, 350116, Fuzhou, China
Abstract: Urban health has become an important issue of concern in the world. However, the influence path of community environment on residents' health is not significant. In this study, 1,308 samples were collected from Fuzhou City in China. At the micro level of the community, the research explored the influence path of the community environment on the residents' health based on the intermediary effect of physical activity by building structural equation method. It was found that the built environment and social environment affected physical health through the intermediary effect of physical activity. The social environment directly affected mental health, and the built environment affected mental health through the intermediary role of social environment. Physical health and mental health affected each other. The individual characteristics of residents also affected their health. There were great differences in the influence path of community environment on male's health and female's health.
Keywords: built environment; social environment; physical health; mental health; physical activity; structural equation model; China.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSDES.2021.115465
International Journal of Sustainable Design, 2021 Vol.4 No.1, pp.1 - 22
Received: 09 May 2020
Accepted: 07 Dec 2020
Published online: 03 Jun 2021 *