Title: Human capital in a training programme

Authors: Oraya Wisawapaisarn; Pitipong Yodmongkol

Addresses: College of Arts, Media and Technology, Chiang Mai University, 239 Huaykaew Road, Suthep, Muang, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand ' College of Arts, Media and Technology, Chiang Mai University, 239 Huaykaew Road, Suthep, Muang, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand

Abstract: This research proposed an approach, variables, and formula for measuring human capital in a training programme in a monetary value within an organisation that implemented an electronic trial master file (eTMF). The participants comprised of 25 employees in the programme, which had three phases. The required variables included the cost of the training, salary, hours utilised in the programme and percentage of time spent on the eTMF. The proportion of the competency and performance was collected and calculated based on the proposed approach and formula. The results provided the human capital in the programme in monetary values, comprising the investments and benefits, which most values were intangible. Contrastingly, investments were the training and opportunity costs and the benefits were value-added in the competencies and performances required for the eTMF. This case could determine the human capital and evaluate the effectiveness of the programme by comparing the investments and benefits.

Keywords: intellectual capital; human capital; human capital accounting; human development; training programme; electronic trial master file; eTMF.

DOI: 10.1504/IJLIC.2021.114602

International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 2021 Vol.18 No.2, pp.113 - 130

Received: 09 Nov 2019
Accepted: 08 Jul 2020

Published online: 28 Apr 2021 *

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