Title: Franchisees can be made – empirical evidence from a follow-up study
Authors: Jenni Torikka
Addresses: School of Business and Economics, University of Jyvaskyla, P.O. Box 35, FI–40351 Jyvaskyla, Finland
Abstract: The Finnish franchisee training programme was government-financed and provided to prospective franchisees by a third party. The programme aimed to find people interested in becoming franchisees and to give them the essential skills and knowledge a franchisee needs. Over 200 trainees completed the ten programmes held in 1999–2001. Phone interviews were utilised in the data collection for the study. The usable data consisted of 143 responses. The purpose of the study was to analyse the effectiveness of the franchisee training programme as a part of the career decision-making process of the trainees. The study concentrated on those trainees who established a franchised business or started or bought a stand-alone business after the programme. The impact of the training was positively associated with becoming a franchisee or a stand-alone business owner. Moreover, a logistic regression analysis showed that measures pertaining to the effectiveness of the programme predicted the likelihood of one becoming a franchisee.
Keywords: entrepreneurship education; training; effectiveness; franchisees; franchising; Finland; small business.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2007.011432
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2007 Vol.4 No.1, pp.68 - 96
Published online: 30 Nov 2006 *
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