Title: The role of green intellectual capital and green innovation on competitive advantage of SMEs
Authors: Sri Anik; Heru Sulistyo
Addresses: Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia; Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Indonesia ' Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Indonesia
Abstract: This study holistically tested the competitive advantage between the resource-based view approach and the green concept in products and processes (green innovation), especially in SMEs. The sample used was 100 SMEs actors in Indonesia, with a proportional sampling method. This study proved that the competitive advantage of SMEs in Indonesia can be reached by increasing intellectual capital, environmental ethics and green innovation holistically. The ability of companies to manage environmentally oriented human resources in their operating systems will improve the performance of SMEs and can further create competitive advantage.
Keywords: intellectual capital; environmental ethics; green innovation; competitive advantage.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLIC.2021.113662
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 2021 Vol.18 No.1, pp.28 - 44
Received: 20 Aug 2019
Accepted: 11 Jun 2020
Published online: 15 Mar 2021 *