Title: Stress management of engineering students through deep breathing yoga
Authors: Anurag Joshi; Ravi Kiran; Rajnish Raj; Ravinder Agarwal
Addresses: Electrical Engineering Department, Thapar Polytechnic College, Patiala-147004, Punjab, India ' School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala-147004, Punjab, India ' Department of Psychiatry, Government Medical College and Rajindra Hospital, Patiala-147001, Punjab, India ' Department of Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala-147004, Punjab, India
Abstract: Stress disturbs the normal physiological or psychological functioning of a person. The stratified random sampling interventional experimental study design was used to measure galvanic skin response (GSR). The experimental (n = 200) and control groups (n = 200) comprised of 52 females (26%) and 148 males (74%). GSR sensor meter (GSRSM) was used to record skin conductivity (pre and post drill). The experimental group were exposed to deep breathing yoga (DBY); whereas the control group was not exposed to it. The experimental group experiencing stress conveyed higher mean reduction at times (t = 0 sec and t = 300 sec) after DBY as compared to the control group, and the results were significant (p < 0.01). These findings support that DBY reduces stress by cognitive appraisal of measurable skin conductivity through GSRSM biofeedback.
Keywords: galvanic sensory response sensor metre; GSRSM; engineering students; galvanic skin conductance; deep breathing yoga; DBY.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWOE.2020.110625
International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 2020 Vol.11 No.2, pp.140 - 153
Received: 14 Jun 2019
Accepted: 02 May 2020
Published online: 26 Oct 2020 *