Title: A service composition approach based on overall QoS and modified graphplan
Authors: Ming Zhu; Guodong Fan; Jing Li; Fengying Wang
Addresses: College of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, China ' College of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, China ' College of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, China ' College of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, China
Abstract: Increasing emphasis on users' preferences and the growth of services on the web make service composition a time consuming and complicated work. In this paper, an approach for web service composition that combines overall QoS and modified graphplan is proposed. Fuzzy logic is applied to handle uncertainty and support decision making. Specifically, values of overall QoS of services are generated by using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process, entropy and user's preferences. The graphplan is modified by pruning services according to the values of overall QoS of services in forward and backward expansions, while producing solutions of compositions. Furthermore, case studies and experiments are performed and show that our approach has better solutions compared with original graphplan and some other approaches.
Keywords: web service composition; quality of service; QoS; fuzzy analytical hierarchy process; FAHP; entropy.
DOI: 10.1504/IJWGS.2019.103214
International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 2019 Vol.15 No.4, pp.319 - 339
Received: 20 Oct 2018
Accepted: 20 Mar 2019
Published online: 22 Oct 2019 *