Title: The relationship between green SCM practices and organisational performance: evidence from Jordanian pharmaceutical manufacturers
Authors: Loiy Bani Ismail; Mohammad Alawamleh; Khaled Aladwan; Ammar Abu Alragheb
Addresses: Business Administration Department, American University of Madaba, P.O.B. 2882, 11821 Amman, Jordan ' Business Administration Department, American University of Madaba, P.O.B. 2882, 11821 Amman, Jordan ' Business Administration Department, American University of Madaba, P.O.B. 2882, 11821 Amman, Jordan ' Business Administration Department, American University of Madaba, P.O.B. 2882, 11821 Amman, Jordan
Abstract: This paper seeks to explore the effect of green supply chain management practices (GSCMPs) (reverse logistics and green procurement, manufacturing and distribution practices) on the organisational performance (OP) of pharmaceutical manufacturers in Jordan. A questionnaire was designed and distributed randomly among 100 employees of Jordanian pharmaceutical manufacturing organisations. A total of 88 responses were received, of which 79 were usable. The study moves beyond description of the effects of GSCMPs on Op to offer a theoretical model explaining these effects. Thus, it responds to a number of contemporary challenges in Jordan, most importantly the broad need for a solid organisational foundation for the study of GSCMPs and the explanation of mechanisms through which GSCMPs affect OP. The results indicate clearly that GSCMPs collectively and individually affect OP.
Keywords: green supply chain management; GSCM; SCM; organisational performance; OP; green procurement; green manufacturing; reverse logistics; RL.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSM.2019.102209
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 2019 Vol.34 No.2, pp.172 - 192
Received: 10 Oct 2017
Accepted: 14 Jan 2018
Published online: 11 Sep 2019 *