Title: Second homes tourism and sustainable rural development in all around the world

Authors: S. Zahra Mirani; Banafsheh M. Farahani

Addresses: Tourism Management, Maziar University of Royan, Mazandaran 4751648696, Iran ' Tourism Management, Maziar University of Royan, Mazandaran 4751648696, Iran

Abstract: Second home tourism is one of the patterns of tourism development especially in rural and mountainous areas that is obtained through ownership of second homes (bungalows or holiday homes). World's economic, social and cultural developments after the Second World War, with improving communication and transportation, increased leisure time. The possibility of allocating some part of revenue for unnecessary affaires caused the spread of rural tourism and, consequently, the popularity of second homes in the western world and many other countries. This paper introduced the second homes, their emergence and spread in all around the world, their geographical and spatial analysis and the importance of rural development, and then it investigated the role of second home tourism in rural development and their tourism development implications in all the environmental, economic and social aspects. At last, sustainable development of rural tourism strategies was examined.

Keywords: second homes; rural development; rural tourism; second home tourism; sustainable development; sustainability; holiday homes; tourism development.

DOI: 10.1504/IJLTM.2015.072076

International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing, 2015 Vol.4 No.3/4, pp.176 - 188

Received: 01 Aug 2014
Accepted: 02 Oct 2014

Published online: 30 Sep 2015 *

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