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A Distributed Arithmetic Architecture for Fast Implementation of Vector or Matrix Products
by Grigoris Grigoriadis, Yiannis Boutalis, Basil Mertzios
12th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), Vol. 1, No. 1, 2005
Abstract: Fast implementations of the inner product of two (nx1) vectors, of the (nxn) MVM (matrix vector multiplication) operation and (nxn) MMM (matrix matrix multiplication) operation are of paramount importance in many research fields such as signal processing, control systems and robotics. So far, the proposed distributed arithmetic (DA) architectures provide fast implementation of such products, but they require that the elements of one of the vectors contain constant a-priori known values. In this paper we propose a new general purpose DA architecture which considers that both vector or matrix elements are variable. The block diagram of the proposed hardware design is given and its performance is theoretically estimated.

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