Consumer payment choices: paper, plastic, or electrons?
by Jeanne M. Hogarth, Jane Kolodinsky, Tatiana Gabor
International Journal of Electronic Banking (IJEBANK), Vol. 1, No. 1, 2008

Abstract: Using data from the Surveys of Consumers, this paper examines the portfolio of payment choices that different groups of consumers use and identifies the socio-economic, demographic, and attitudinal characteristics of groups of consumers that fall within those choice sets. We find that younger, married, more highly educated, higher income, higher asset households were more likely to adopt a broad range of electronic payment choices. We also find that consumers' attitudes and perceptions of e-banking, in terms of security and privacy, convenience, and familiarity and ease of use, were significant correlates of payment choices.

Online publication date: Wed, 24-Sep-2008

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