The contribution of SMEs in the economic transition of Vietnam Online publication date: Tue, 27-Sep-2005
by Charles Harvie
J. for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development (JIBED), Vol. 2, No. 2, 2004
Abstract: This paper focuses on the need for Vietnam to encourage the nurturing, growth and development of private sector small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Private entrepreneurship and enterprise reform can play a crucial role in the on going reform of the Vietnamese economy. Establishing a dynamic non-state manufacturing sector, with an emphasis on SMEs, will be a precondition for attaining the twin objectives of (1) restructuring and slimming state enterprises and (2) expanding non-farm employment and income opportunities. SMEs have the potential for job creation, contributing to sustainable economic development, allocating resources more efficiently, expanding exports, achieving a more equal distribution of incomes, and assisting in rural and regional development.
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