Energy and exergy analysis of subcooling the condenser outlet refrigerant in a compression-absorption cascade refrigeration system Online publication date: Fri, 02-Oct-2015
by M. Salajeghe; M. Ameri
International Journal of Exergy (IJEX), Vol. 18, No. 2, 2015
Abstract: The main aim of the presented research is to study the effect of subcooling the condenser outlet refrigerant in a compression-absorption cascade refrigeration system via energy and exergy methods. A parametric study is also conducted to investigate the effects of the operating conditions. LiBr-H2O and H2O-NH3 are used as fluid pairs in absorption section. The system is powered up by a prime mover, which can be either a micro-gas turbine, a gas turbine or a solid oxide fuel cell. The waste heat from the prime mover operates the absorption chiller and provides additional cooling, which is used to subcool the liquid exiting the condenser of the compression chiller. Results indicate that subcooling the condenser outlet enhances the efficiency of the cycle. It is also concluded that the system with a H2O-NH3 chiller has a better overall efficiency than the system with a LiBr-H2O chiller.
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