Investigation on compressed air energy storage system for efficient utilisation of renewable power sources
by J. Karthika; T. Annamalai; P. Veera Sanjeeva Kumar; Firew Dereje Olana; N. Govindha Rasu
International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion (IJPEC), Vol. 15, No. 3, 2024

Abstract: In recent years, emerging nations have shifted their focus to renewable energy sources for electricity production. This shift has happened in both industrialised and underdeveloped countries. The percentage of electricity produced overall in most developed countries that originates from renewable sources of energy is rising significantly. Currently, the grid is going through a number of modifications to improve its intelligence and stability. These adjustments are becoming more pronounced. Although there are many various types of storage systems available, the CAES system is the most appropriate for large-capacity storage that is ideal for grid integration. However, the overall roundtrip efficiency is less than that of a pumped hydro storage system when it comes to large-scale renewable energy storage.

Online publication date: Mon, 15-Jul-2024

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