Research instrument design for assessment of health and performance of shift workers in foundry industry in central India - a pilot study Online publication date: Thu, 14-Dec-2023
by Manish Bhadke; Minhaj Ahemad Rehman; Surendra Gole
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics (IJHFE), Vol. 10, No. 4, 2023
Abstract: Growing economy boost manufacturing and service activities and thus results in burdensome shift work that affect the performance of employee working in shift work. Present study made an attempt to design tool for assessment of health, fatigue, sleep problems, job stress and job performance among shift work employees of foundry and casting industry from central India. The research included development of pilot instrument to evaluate above parameters and validating shift work performance measures in Indian context. The literature is reviewed and five key performance indicators along with two covariates (includes 54 variables) of shift work outcome measurement are finalised and statistically tested for reliability and validity. A pilot survey was undertaken by the authors within various foundry and casting industries in central India. The developed tool may be used by foundry industries to prioritise their efforts to measure shift work impact on health and performance.
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