Research on the design of an intelligent platform for marine economic management based on genetic algorithm Online publication date: Tue, 12-Sep-2023
by Qunping Chen
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development (IJKBD), Vol. 13, No. 2/3/4, 2023
Abstract: The scheduling of marine resources is becoming increasingly complex, and global consideration is needed to further improve the rationality and science of scheduling in order to maximise the utilisation of resources. In this study, an intelligent marine economic management platform based on a genetic algorithm (GA) is designed. To improve its performance, the GA is improved by using the self organisation mapping net (SOM) and uniform design (UD) method to make it excellent in solving marine resource scheduling problems. In the simulation experiments, the mobilisation schemes derived from it increase the power generation up to 223 × 104 kWh and 186 × 104 kWh than the conventional schemes at the confidence level of 0.95 and 0.90. The intelligent platform designed by the research can provide an excellent scheme for Marine tidal resource scheduling and improve the efficiency of Marine resource scheduling.
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