Investigation of thermal-hydraulic transient analysis of hot fuel rod in the pump failure accident Online publication date: Mon, 05-Jul-2021
by M.M. Sadeghiazad; Farzad Choobdar Rahim
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (IJNEST), Vol. 14, No. 3, 2020
Abstract: This study is a thermodynamic analysis of the Bushehr water-water energetic reactor sub-channels of the reactor's core fuel assemblies in Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant. In the transient state, modified COBRA-EN code was used for the failure of one of the cooling pumps. Among the channels in the reactor's core fuel assemblies that are used to cool the core, there is a channel that has a maximum power factor that is known as the hottest channel. It is very important to thermodynamically investigate this channel to determine the cooling features of the reactor's core. Finally, the numerical modelling results were compared to the reported safety results of Bushehr plant's reactor in final safety analysis reports.
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