Selection criteria of municipal solid wastes for thermo-chemical conversion processes by using proximate and ultimate analysis Online publication date: Tue, 18-May-2021
by Renjith Krishnan; Lalhmingsanga Hauchhum; Rajat Gupta; Gokul Gopan
International Journal of Global Warming (IJGW), Vol. 24, No. 1, 2021
Abstract: Municipal solid waste (MSW) is mostly known as garbage or trash which is generated due to day-to-day life human activities. It is the commercial, medical and residential waste generated in a particular area or municipal either in solid or semi-solid form, excluding industrial hazardous wastes. These wastes create environmental pollution in land, water and air, hence, the proper disposal of MSW is a challenging factor globally. This paper presents MSW disposal process using thermo-chemical processes such as combustion, gasification and pyrolysis. The best thermo-chemical process for its individual waste can be formulated by using selection criteria from proximate and ultimate analysis. For the analysis purpose, 28 different types of MSW were collected and found that 13 samples are good for combustion while six samples and five samples are good for gasification and pyrolysis respectively. The MSW collected are in the categories of hospital wastes, domestic/household wastes, industrial/constructional wastes, institutional/school wastes and shop/hotel wastes.
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