Forming and finishing surface by sequential electrochemical-electrodischarge machining of precision magnetic optics parts Online publication date: Fri, 01-May-2020
by Oleksandr Plakhotnyi; Vasyl Osypenko
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials (IJMMM), Vol. 22, No. 3/4, 2020
Abstract: A method for calculating the formation of a hyperbolic ruled surface with wire electrical discharge machining is proposed, considering errors caused by the deflection of wire electrode. The given approach of calculation of technological parameters for further electrochemical dimensional processing with a wire electrode is presented in order to increase reproduction accuracy and improve surface quality. The obtained accuracy and qualitative parameters of manufactured parts satisfy rigorous requirements for magnet pole tips of quadrupole lenses of nuclear microprobes. The latest combined technology of sequential electrodischarge and electrochemical processing with wire electrode in the production of precision parts of magnetic optics, which is given in the article, will be useful to specialists working with processing technologies and precision engineering.
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