A machine learning algorithm for scheduling a burn-in oven problem
by M. Mathirajan; Reddy Sujan; M. Vimala Rani; Pujara Dhaval
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IJISE), Vol. 43, No. 1, 2023

Abstract: This study applies artificial neural network (ANN) to achieve more accurate parameter estimations in calculating job-priority-data of jobs and the same is applied in a proposed dispatching rule-based greedy heuristic algorithm (DR-GHA) for efficiently scheduling a burn-in oven (BO) problem. The integration of ANN and DR-GHA is called as a hybrid neural network (HNN) algorithm. Accordingly, this study proposed eight variants of HNN algorithms by proposing eight variants of DR-GHA for scheduling a BO. The series of computational analyses (empirical and statistical) indicated that each of the variants of proposed HNN is significantly enhancing the performance of the respective proposed variants of DR-GHA for scheduling a BO. That is, more accurate parameter estimations in calculating job-priority-data for DR-GHA via back-propagation ANN leads to high-quality schedules w.r.t. total weighted tardiness. Further, proposed HNN variant: HNN-ODD is outperforming relatively with other HNN variants and provides very near optimal/estimated solution.

Online publication date: Fri, 20-Jan-2023

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