Open innovation: the challenges of knowledge integration in bi-national projects
by Kleber Luís Celadon; Roberto Sbragia
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (WRSTSD), Vol. 16, No. 1, 2020

Abstract: This paper seeks to evaluate the professional culture factors that are present in knowledge integration mechanisms in two selected cases. In-depth case studies were conducted in two different expatriate groups, Embraer Brazilian workers (at Saab in Sweden) and Kuhn French workers (at Kuhn-MB in Brazil), in order to investigate their collaborative practices and professional cultures while implementing open innovation practices. The research is based on different large-sized firms and, therefore, the findings may not be applied to SMEs. The study identified ten main professional culture factors that were present and influenced open innovation. It provides information and is based on real aspects that involve workers from different cultures in collaborative projects. The factors described in this paper are based on the ongoing collaborative practices at the studied organisations, and results are expected to contribute to the management literature and practitioners.

Online publication date: Thu, 05-Mar-2020

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