International Journal of Data Science
- Editor in Chief
- Prof. John Wang
- ISSN online
- 2053-082X
- ISSN print
- 2053-0811
- 4 issues per year
With the Age of Big Data upon us, we risk drowning in a flood of digital data. Big data spans five dimensions (volume, variety, velocity, volatility and veracity), generally steered towards one critical destination - value. Big data has now become a critical part of the business world and daily life. Containing big information and big knowledge, big data does indeed have big value. IJDS confronts the challenges of extracting a fountain of knowledge from "mountains" of big data.
Topics covered include
- Big data cloud, mining and management
- Big data storage, processing, sharing and visualisation
- Big data systems, tools, theory and applications
- Business analytics, intelligence and mathematics
- Computer science, hacking skills
- Informatics and information systems and technology
- Machine learning, web-based decision making
- Management science, social sciences and statistics
- Mathematical optimisation and mathematics of decision sciences
- Multiple source data processing and integration
- Network and social-graph analysis
- Optimisation, performance measurement
- Security and privacy
- System analysis and theory
- Volume, velocity and variety of big data on cloud
IJDS employs an interdisciplinary approach and bridges the gap between different disciplines, including computer science, OR/MS, statistics, data mining, DSS, graphic design and human-computer interaction. The process of knowledge creation therefore can include multiple components and perspectives. By adopting such a diverse set of tools/techniques while employing the synergies involved, companies and organisations can make faster (real-time), frequent and fact-based decisions.
IJDS therefore aims to provide a professional forum for examining the processes and results associated with obtaining data, as well as munging, scrubbing, exploring, modelling, interpreting, communicating and visualising data. Data science takes data in cyberspace as a research object. The goal is an integrated and interconnected process designed to form a common ground from which a knowledge-based system can be built, shared and supported by professionals from different disciplines.
- Academics
- Applied statisticians
- Archivists
- Consultants
- Data analysts and data miners
- Database administrators
- Educators and graduate students
- Engineers
- Librarians
- Management scientists
- Operation researchers
- Policy makers
- Problem solvers and decision makers
- Programmers
- Strategic planners
IJDS publishes research papers (descriptive or predictive, and/or prescriptive), innovative ideas, case studies, surveys/reports and book reviews. Special Issues devoted to important topics will be published.
Editor in Chief
- Wang, John, Montclair State University, USA
Managing Editor
- Wang, Hai, Saint Mary's University, Canada
American Editor
- Chen, Song Xi, Peking University and Iowa State University , USA
Assistant Editor
- Song, Jialin, Microsoft, USA
Associate Editors
- Birkenkrahe, Marcus Speh, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Germany
- Caron, Franco, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Pavur, Robert, University of North Texas, USA
- Piotrowicz, Wojciech, University of Oxford, UK
- Postolică, Vasile, University of Bacău, Romania
- Robnik-Sikonja, Marko, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
European Editor
- Carnero, Carmen, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Far East Editor
- Zhou, Yuanchun, Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Japanese Editor
- Tomoko, Saiki, Saiki Patent, Japan
Middle East Editor
- Salem, Abdel-badeeh M., Ain Shams University, Egypt
Practitioner Editor
- Walker, Michael A., Data Science Association, Inc., USA
Senior Editor
- Jaume, Sylvain, Saint Peter's University, USA
Editorial Board Members
- Abdelhafez, Hoda, Suez Canal University, Egypt
- Akyüz, Göknur Arzu, University of Turkish Aeronautical Association, Turkey
- Aluvalu, Rajanikanth, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, India
- Bagherpour, Morteza, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran
- Baharlouei, Sina, University of Southern California, USA
- Bhatia, Sanjiv K., University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA
- Burcu, Zeynep, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
- Çebi, Ferhan, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
- Chambers, Kristina, TTX Company, USA
- Chang, Yu Sang, Gachon University and KDI School of Public Policy and Management, South Korea
- Chantrapornchai, Chantana, Silpakorn University, Thailand
- Chen, Guoming, Guilin University of Aerospace Technology, China
- Chen, Suiyao, Amazon Services LLC, USA
- Chen, Wei, York College of Pennsylvania, USA
- Chen, Yanyu, Zhejiang Normal University, China
- Chung, William, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
- Dwivedi, Ashutosh Dhar, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Erden, Caner, Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Turkey
- Feng, Yunhe, University of Washington, USA
- Fox, William, Naval Postgraduate School , USA
- Gan, Min, La Trobe University, Australia
- Gaur, Loveleen, Taylor's University, Malaysia
- Gulpinar, Nalan, Durham University, UK
- Harroun, James, SAS Institute, USA
- Hodge, Victoria, University of York , UK
- Islam, Jyoti, Georgia State University, USA
- Johnsson, Magnus, Lund University , Sweden
- Kretowski, Marek, Bialystok Technical University, Poland
- Kumar, Navin, Optum Inc., USA
- Kumar, Sathish A.P., Coastal Carolina University, USA
- Labbadi, Wissem, University of Tunis, Tunisia and Hult International Business School, USA
- Lai, Shih-Kung, Tongji University, China
- Leung, Carson, University of Manitoba, Canada
- Li, Fuqing, Xiangtan University, China
- Li, Qingwei, Eastman Chemical Company, USA
- Li, Shengqing, Hunan University of Technology, China
- Li, Susan, Adelphi University, USA
- Li, Yang, British Telecom , UK
- Li, Zhen, Texas Woman's University, USA
- Liu, Haitao, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
- Majumdar, Pradeep Kumar, Changa University and NSIT , India
- Malamis, Simos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- Mandal, Jyotsna Kumar, University of Kalyani, India
- Mathiyalakan, Sathasivam, Winston Salem State University, USA
- Miao, Zhuqi, Oklahoma State University, USA
- Mishra, Sambit Kumar, Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, India
- Mishra, Vinod Kumar, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, India
- Mohapatra, Sanjay, Xavier Institute of Management, India
- Munde, Anjali, Amity University, India
- Muthukumarasamy, Govindarajan, Annamalai University, India
- Nelson, Christie, Rutgers University, USA
- Nijjer, Shivinder, Chitkara University, India
- Okun, Oleg, Campanja AB , Sweden
- Ozel Kadilar, Gamze, Hacettepe University , Turkey
- Pagan, Karina Munari, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Pagan, Natália Munari, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Pal, Bijay Baran, University of Kalyani, India
- Palma, Jamie, Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
- Pan, Youqin, Salem State University, USA
- Pilipczuk, Olga, Szczecin University, Poland
- Portnov, Boris A., University of Haifa, Israel
- Potcner, Kevin, Exsilon Data and Statistical Solutions, Inc. , USA
- Qin, Biao, Renmin University of China , China
- Qin, Xiongpai, Renmin University, China
- Qu, Xilong, Changsha Normal University, China
- Ruhil, Vikash, Apple Inc., USA
- Saleeshya, P. G., Amrita University, India
- Sardana, Divya, Teradata Corp., USA
- Segall, Richard S., Arkansas State University, USA
- Serpa, Nilo, UNIP - Universidade Paulista , Brazil
- Shan, Xiaojun (Gene), University of Houston - Clear Lake, USA
- Shanmugasundaram, Hariharan, Vardhaman College of Engineering, India
- Shao, Yuanxun, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Shen, Tao, Kunming University of Science and Technology, China
- Shui, Hongyi, Northwestern University, USA
- Si, Wujun, Wichita State University, USA
- Sinanç Terzi, Duygu, Amasya University, Turkey
- Singh, Harwinder, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, India
- Singh, Preetvanti, Dayalbagh Educational Institute , India
- Sohail, Noman, Linkoping University, Sweden
- Solomon, Ogara, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Kenya
- Spiegel, Thaís, Rio de Janeiro State University , Brazil
- Srinivasan, Karthik, University of Kansas, USA
- Stubbs, Evan, SAS and University of South Australia School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, Australia
- Tamburis, Oscar, University of Naples Federico II (Italy), Italy
- Tavakkol, Behnam, Stockton University, USA
- Tkacz, Magdalena, University of Silesia, Poland
- Ülkü, M. Ali, Dalhousie University, Canada
- Velev, Dimiter, University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria
- Verma, Abhishek, California State University, Northridge, USA
- Vitor, Fabio, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
- Wall, William Philip, Stamford International University, Thailand
- Wang, Fang, Brunel University London, UK
- Wang, Hongzhi, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
- Wang, Jason T. L., New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- Wang, Xuan, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA
- Wu, Chaojiang, Drexel University , USA
- Yoo, Taejong, Sangmyung University, South Korea
- Zhang, Guoyi, University of New Mexico, USA
- Zhang, Siwen, TongJi University, China
- Zheng, Xianrong (Shawn), Old Dominion University, USA
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- Submitted articles should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written (more details available here) and the author has cleared any necessary permissions with the copyright owner if it has been previously copyrighted.
- Briefs and research notes are not published in this journal.
- All our articles go through a double-blind review process.
- All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted article. A full statement of our Ethical Guidelines for Authors (PDF) is available.
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- All articles for this journal must be submitted using our online submissions system.
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Journal news
Click the habit
14 January, 2025
Online shopping in China, particularly among young people, is a vast enterprise. Online retail sales amounted to about 16 trillion yuan in 2024, approximately 2 trillion US dollars. Indeed, online shopping has transformed the way youngsters approach buying everything from clothing to gadgets, especially in the post-pandemic era where old shopping habits have been abandoned by many people. Much of the research into online consumer behaviour has focused on the after-sales experience. Now, a study in the International Journal of Data Science, turns the research lens to look more closely at the pre-purchase stage. In so doing, Nanhua Duan and Jingwen Zhang of Northwestern Polytechnical University in Shaanxi, China, hoped to understand how young Chinese consumers perceive value before they hit the all-important "buy now" button when shopping online [...]
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