International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management (IJPSPM)

International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management

2024 Vol.14 No.1

Special Issue on: The Shifting Goalposts – Disruption in Automation, Computational and Technology Management

Guest Editors: Prof. Gurinder Singh, Prof. Anupama Rajesh and Prof. Sanjeev Bansal

Pages Title and author(s)
Anupama Rajesh
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.140341
2-15An empirical study on benefits and challenges associated with recent Indian Government initiative for women from bottom of pyramid on clean cooking fuel
Renuka Mahajan; Richa Misra; Anupama Rajesh
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.139870
16-32Life skills as a game changer for job readiness and sustainable employment in private and public sector industries - a mixed method study
Monika Bansal; Surbhi Kapur
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.139871
33-58Singapore digital transformation: a study of consumer perception towards cashless transactions
Tong Xiang Yap; Easwaramoorthy Rangaswamy
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.139873
59-77Segmentation of m-wallet users using cluster analysis: an empirical study in Delhi NCR
Rushina Singhi; Vivek Sancheti; Vijit Chaturvedi; Kiran Jindal
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.139874
78-101An investigation of month of year effect in Indian stock markets
Vanitha Chawla; Manjula Shastri; Gireesh Chandra Tripathi
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.139876
102-116Campaign regulations as a strategic digitalisation step of the General Election Commission, a case study in Bali, Indonesia
Ni Wayan Widhiasthini; Nyoman Sri Subawa; Mustain
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.139881
117-136Brewery and echo boomers in India's Silicon Valley: a sentiment analysis
Jacob Alexander; Siddharth Misra; Mooon Paiithannkar
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.139882
137-156Determinants of Indonesia's local government system acceptance
Artika Arista
DOI: 10.1504/IJPSPM.2024.139890