Title: Investigation of performance of 0-D internal combustion engine simulation codes based on detailed and reduced chemical kinetic mechanisms
Authors: Gokhan Coskun; Usame Demir; Nadir Yilmaz; Hakan S. Soyhan
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sakarya, Serdivan, Sakarya, 54187, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sakarya, Serdivan, Sakarya, 54187, Turkey ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, New Mexico Institute Mining and Technology, 801 Leroy Pl., Socorro, NM 87801-4796, USA ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sakarya, Serdivan, Sakarya, 54187, Turkey; TEAM-SAN Co., Technological Development Regions, University of Sakarya, Serdivan, 54187, Sakarya, Turkey
Abstract: In this study, combustion performance of two 0-D engine simulation codes, Chemkin-Pro and SRM Suite, was examined in a homogenous charged compression ignition (HCCI) engine and comparisons were made against the experimental data, which was based on combustion of TRF-70 (70% toluene and 30% n-heptane in vol. basis). Reduced and semi-detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms of TRF-70 were used in both codes for performance evaluations in terms of pressure, heat release rate and exhaust gas emissions (CO, CO2 and O2). OH and H2O2 emissions, which were difficult to obtain experimentally, were compared computationally among codes using both semi-detailed and reduced mechanisms. Both codes had advantages over the other; stochastic reactor model (SRM) resulted in better results than Chemkin-Pro in terms of pressure and heat release rate when compared to experimental data, while Chemkin-Pro was advantageous owing to its shorter CPU time with acceptable proximity to experimental data.
Keywords: HCCI engines; homogenous charged compression ignition; combustion performance; SRM; stochastic reactor model; Chemkin; 0-D engine simulation codes; chemical kinetics; pressure; heat release rate; exhaust gas emissions; vehicle emissions; modelling.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2016 Vol.71 No.1/2/3/4, pp.377 - 388
Received: 08 Nov 2014
Accepted: 03 Mar 2016
Published online: 02 Sep 2016 *