Title: Linking design process activities to the business decisions of the firm: an example from the aerospace industry
Authors: Magnus Lofstrand
Addresses: Division of Computer Aided Design, Lulea University of Technology, University Campus, Room E218K, 97187 Lulea, Sweden
Abstract: The research concerns identification of parameters important for the studied organisation|s success in service concept design and delivery. Knowledge was gathered through interviews and participation in daily industrial work activities. The gathered knowledge was used for developing a MATLAB-based simulation model, of which the purpose is to improve the studied company|s ability to develop hardware-based services at an early concept stage, and to simulate, beforehand, the predicted performance of a given service scenario. This approach minimises the cost of each concept and allows simulation of several different concepts before the actual work is done.
Keywords: design parameter identification; design process; business decisions; process modelling; simulation; service concept design; predicting work activities; aerospace industry; service delivery; service prediction; performance prediction; service performance.
International Journal of Product Development, 2010 Vol.12 No.2, pp.141 - 157
Published online: 31 Aug 2010 *
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