Multi-keyword synonym search over encrypted cloud data using classified category-dictionary and BMIS tree
by Veerraju Gampala; Sreelatha Malempati
International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning (IJTIP), Vol. 12, No. 3, 2019

Abstract: Due to the emerging popularity of cloud computing (CC), the individuals and organisations are driven to outsource their private data onto the cloud service provider (CSP) in order to achieve less maintenance cost, great flexibility, and ease of access. The data normally encrypt before outsourced to the CSP, which obsolete plain-text searching techniques over encrypted cloud-data. Thus, this paper presents an efficient and accurate multi-keyword synonym ranked search method over encrypted cloud data (MKSRSE). The objectives of MKSRSE are as follows: 1) to build a balanced m-way index search (BMIS) tree; 2) propose a modified depth first search (MDFS) technique to search for the top score ranked documents; 3) propose a classified category-dictionary; 4) propose a methodology to extract keywords from each category documents to form the category sub-dictionary. An extensive research shows that the proposed mechanisms provide better search efficiency and accuracy in comparison with other existing techniques.

Online publication date: Tue, 23-Apr-2019

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