Dynamic navigation of web query results using B-tree and improved page rank algorithm
by L. Lakshmi; P. Bhaskara Reddy; C. Shoba Bindu; N. Aravind Kumar
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics (IJCSM), Vol. 10, No. 2, 2019

Abstract: Most of the web search queries submitted by users are short, uncertain and ambiguous. The information retrieval process is very complicated today as it depends on many factors like classification of a web query; number of phrases present in the query, number of in-links and out-links to and from the documents, vocabulary, changing nature of the meaning of words. Information retrieval process mainly involves two steps, retrieval of relevant documents for user queries and retrieved documents are sorted using efficient page rank algorithms. Most of the existing systems use static navigation of the web query and ranking. They mainly depend on the number of in links and out links of a web page. In this paper, we proposed dynamic navigation of web query using B-tree to retrieve relevant documents efficiently by reducing nonrelevant documents and resulting documents are sorted by using an improved page rank algorithm.

Online publication date: Tue, 02-Apr-2019

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