A framework to enhance cellular manufacturing system: a total interpretive structural modelling approach
by Sanjay Kumar; Vasdev Malhotra; Vikas Kumar
International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking (IJPMB), Vol. 8, No. 4, 2018

Abstract: The cellular manufacturing is a well known manufacturing technology that helps to improve manufacturing flexibility and productivity by maximum utilisation of available resources. Cellular manufacturing has been derived as a strong tool for increasing production in batches and job shop production. In cellular manufacturing, similar machines are grouped in machine cells and same processing parts are gathered in part families. Cellular manufacturing systems are those systems which are capable to meet the requirements of modern industries. There are certain enablers which help into the implementation process but also influence each other. The main objective of this paper is to identify and analyse these enablers. In the present work, these enablers have been identified through the questionnaire based literature survey and total interpretive structural modelling approach has been utilised in analysing their mutual interaction.

Online publication date: Mon, 01-Oct-2018

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