Policy-shaping graduate follow-up studies: the case of a program for excellent students in colleges of education
by Rama Klavir; Judy Goldenberg
International Journal of Innovation in Education (IJIIE), Vol. 4, No. 4, 2017

Abstract: Too often insufficient use is made of findings from research and evaluation studies in educational programs. This paper presents the REGEV Program for Excellent Student Teachers as an example of a program that views research as an inseparable part of its development, and employs it to aid the formulation and implementation of policy changes. Two examples are presented in which policy changes were made in the program as a result of findings from eight nationwide graduate follow-up studies. A theoretical model is presented to illustrate the five factors inherent in forming and maintaining a productive relationship between research and policymaking. In this model, policy initiates research, which yields findings and conclusions, and in turn leads to policy changes and additional research, leading to the educational program's development and improvement.

Online publication date: Wed, 02-May-2018

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