QOS routing protocol to detect maximum available bandwidth in WMCs
by R. Manikandan; A. Renga Rajan; L. Jegatha Deborah
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (IJITST), Vol. 7, No. 3, 2017

Abstract: Wi-Fi mesh community has turned out to be an important area community to offer internet to challenge the thrown domains and wireless link in metropolitan environments. In this paper, the hassle of figuring out the most available bandwidth direction is targeted, which is an essential problem in helping pleasant-of-carrier in WMCs. Due to the concept of interference, bandwidth, which is a familiar challenging metric in restive networks, a new direction is validated in which the weight captures the available route bandwidth statistics. It is also proved that the hop using the hop routing procedure based on the new path weight completely satisfies the consistency and loop-freeness necessities. The property of consistency ensures that each node follows a proper packet forwarding choice, in order that a statistics packet traverses over the supposed path. The experimental results additionally show that our proposed work on direction weight outperforms all the other existing direction metrics in figuring out excessive-throughput paths.

Online publication date: Fri, 09-Feb-2018

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