The expected and perceived well-being effects of short-term self-tracking technology use
by Tuomas Kari; Sanna Koivunen; Lauri Frank; Markus Makkonen; Panu Moilanen
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (IJNVO), Vol. 17, No. 4, 2017

Abstract: Individuals and the healthcare sector have become increasingly interested to measure and improve health and well-being by using different self-tracking technologies. Physical activity, nutrition, and sleep are a few of the various measures that can be self-tracked by different technological solutions. This study investigates the expected and perceived well-being effects of short-term self-tracking technology use with focus on the implementation phase. The study is based on thematic analysis of ten semi-structured interviews. The results reveal that the perceived well-being effects of using a self-tracking technology are relatively minor during the implementation phase - in line with the pre-implementation expectations. The possible increase in well-being is expected to occur in a longer time scale. Perceived psychological well-being is found to be affected the most during the implementation phase. The results also reveal interesting findings regarding the use and acceptance of self-tracking technologies. Based on the results, theoretical and practical implications are presented.

Online publication date: Mon, 11-Dec-2017

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