International technology transfer as innovation factor in EU countries
by Robert Ciborowski; Iwona Skrodzka
International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development (IJTLID), Vol. 8, No. 4, 2016

Abstract: Analysis of historical data reveals that European economies have often gained development opportunities thanks to efficient exploitation of technologies obtained from abroad. This did not happen as a result of a simple acquisition of ready-made solutions, but through active operations of enterprises taking advantage of the particular elements of purchased technologies and using them to create their own innovations. Moreover, an accumulation of technological knowledge took place in developing sectors and product groups. The sectors which used imported knowledge elaborated it and generated their own technological capabilities, which enabled them to create new market space, where the improved products and processes could be sold or utilised, also on international markets. In this way, conditions conducive to innovation were created. Transfer of technology from abroad supplemented domestic innovation capacities based on R&D. The purpose of the paper is to analyse the relationship between international technology transfer and innovation growth in the EU. This will make it possible to answer the following question: Why do some economies make use of technology transfer, thus accelerating their development, while others fail to do so. Utilisation of technological opportunities appears to be, therefore, economy-specific.

Online publication date: Sun, 22-Jan-2017

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