A detailed designed model for UPFC in PSCAD
by Jalal Khodaparast; Mojtaba Khederzadeh
International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Drives (IJIED), Vol. 3, No. 2, 2016

Abstract: Generally, there are two models for every flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices, detailed and phasor models. Detailed model is exact simulation of real one which is used multi level converters with switches and diodes, capacitor for DC link, transformers and loop controllers. On the other hand, there is phasor model which is based on algebraic complex equations. Since detailed model is a complete and exact model that represents all transients, this model is considered as a perfect model. In this paper, process of detailed modelling of unified power flow controller (UPFC) is presented in PSCAD software. PSCAD software is one of the best power system simulators which can present transients of power system completely. In order to validate simulation results, simulated UPFC in PSCAD is compared to available UPFC in MATLAB. Simulation results show that the simulated UPFC in PSCAD is completely accurate and the results are very similar to MATLAB.

Online publication date: Sun, 15-Jan-2017

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