An investigation of the use of mobile devices for learning in Singapore preschools
by Wing Sum Cheung; Khe Foon Hew; Siew Lian Chua
International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments (IJSMILE), Vol. 4, No. 4, 2016

Abstract: Given the rapid increasing functional features of mobile devices, there are increasing interests of preschool educators and researchers in engaging students with mobile learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool educators and parents in Singapore perceive the values of using smart mobile devices for learning in preschools, and what are their perceptions toward the potential use of mobile devices as learning tools in preschools and if 'bring your own device' (BYOD) model is implemented, what are their opinions and concerns towards this new initiative. This study used questionnaire survey and interview to collect relevant information for the investigation. Its findings would capture true experiences showcasing the actual and potential use of smart mobile devices for learning by preschoolers. The critical role that preschool principals, teachers and parents should play in integrating these smart mobile devices in their daily activities for learning were discussed and emphasised.

Online publication date: Sun, 01-Jan-2017

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