Research and simulation of piezo hydraulic actuator
by Zheng Li; Zhi-gang Yang; Sheng Li; Jun-wu Kan; Dan Lu
International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems (IJAMECHS), Vol. 7, No. 1, 2016

Abstract: A piezoelectric stack with its large output force and small displacement cannot satisfy the requirement of the opening of the cone valve core of the actual situation. Piezoelectric hydraulic actuator AMESIM model was established, and the influence on the output displacement and the driving force factors related to simulation and analysis was determined. The results show that the area of the piezoelectric stack has no effect on the output displacement of piezoelectric hydraulic actuator, but with the increase of the area of the maximum output of the piezoelectric hydraulic actuator drive led to nonlinear growth. In the simulation range of 0~60 Hz, the former has better vibration suppression effect than the latter. At some frequencies, the body vibration suppression ability can reach 6.4 times that of the latter.

Online publication date: Thu, 06-Oct-2016

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