Paths to engagement combining sound, animation and interactivity: a comparative evaluation of three net art projects
by Nuno N. Correia
International Journal of Arts and Technology (IJART), Vol. 9, No. 2, 2016

Abstract: This paper compares three net art projects combining sound and animation by the author and André Carrilho (under the name Video Jack): AVOL, Master and Margarita and AV Clash. They follow a development path aiming to create projects enabling integrated audiovisual creativity that are flexible, intuitive, playful to use and engaging to experience. The comparative evaluation of the projects focuses on the analysis of the answers to an online questionnaire. The projects are also contextualised with related works. The methodology for the research is presented, with an emphasis on experience-focused human-computer interaction perspectives. The results of the questionnaire are then discussed. Conclusions are reached regarding the development path, showing that AV Clash has been more successful than previous projects in reaching its objectives, but that it still contains several weaknesses. Strengths detected in previous projects AVOL and Master and Margarita are analysed. Finally, paths for future development are presented.

Online publication date: Sat, 25-Jun-2016

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