Classification and ranking rural areas in Greece based on technical, economic and social indicators of the agricultural holdings
by Pathena Chatzinikolaou; Thomas Bournaris; Fedra Kiomourtzi; Christina Moulogianni; Basil Manos
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 9, No. 4, 2015

Abstract: This paper aims to classify and rank rural areas in Greece using a set of technical, economic and social indicators. For this purpose, we developed appropriate indicators and criteria applied hierarchical cluster analysis and the multicriteria method PROMETHEE II. In order to collect the appropriate data, a household survey carried out in the context of the research project CAP-IRE (assessing the multiple impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy on Rural Economies) which is a European FP7 funded project. A sample of 300 farm households located in the 16 prefectures of Macedonia and Thrace at Northern Greece was used to classify and rank these areas.

Online publication date: Mon, 29-Jun-2015

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