A gaming approach to behavioural rehabilitation: concept exploration
by M. Fraiwan; L. Barqawi; G. Haddad; D. Tawalbeh; M. Al-Zamil
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 51, No. 3, 2015

Abstract: The awareness of behavioural disabilities like autism has increased dramatically in the past few years, revealing staggering numbers of affected individuals, mainly children. The pervasiveness of mobile and gaming technologies presents an excellent opportunity to educate children with behavioural difficulties. In this paper, gaming technology was used to present real-life scenarios to children, helping them to behave under those circumstances. Various scenes unconsciously train the children to act in the right manner, which aids their logic, behaviour, and self-confidence. The synergy of advanced fun 2D gaming and animation, attractive graphics, and professional therapy guidance provides an effective and strong learning experience.

Online publication date: Wed, 13-May-2015

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