Opinion leaders for increasing the market for non-life insurance products in India
by P.A. Ratna; Saloni Mehra
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 9, No. 2, 2015

Abstract: An analysis of the non-life insurance industry in India showed that the insurance penetration and density were low. Results of this study showed low awareness and low level of purchase for a number of non-life insurance products. Review of literature on insurance indicated the need for creation of awareness for the concept of insurance among the masses, for an increase in the market for non-life insurance products. Awareness of the concept of insurance and its benefits can enable bringing about a favourable attitudinal change towards the purchase of insurance products. Opinion leaders were employed by marketers in the past to diffuse various ideas and commercial products. This study focuses on identifying opinion leaders for non-life insurance products who would act as channels to spread the concept of insurance among the masses. Results of the study indicate the demographic characteristics of opinion leaders for non-life insurance products and their attitude towards risk and fatalism.

Online publication date: Wed, 15-Apr-2015

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