Challenges in the development of green supply chain for plastic films: a review analysis
by Chandrahas D. Golghate; Maruti S. Pawar
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (IJLSM), Vol. 19, No. 4, 2014

Abstract: Green supply chain (GrSC) practices implementation is plausible for any industry, when hurdles in all stages are minimised. This requires first to identify the challenges. At present, the plastic film industry uses green tools in isolated and arm's length manner and GrSC development is lagging. The paper presents the unearthed challenges in the development of GrSC for plastic industry. Succinct literature review of GrSC partners and green practices implementations for plastic films is done to identify and confirm problems reported. Analysis and mapping these challenges over supply chain practices implementation is also highlighted. Profile and portfolio analysis is used to confirm challenges. The literature attributes and its relevant data used is tested for goodness of fit and significance using chi-square test. This should lead to the development of a plastic film GrSC theory.

Online publication date: Sat, 15-Nov-2014

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