Financial and environmental efficiency evaluation of the Greek banking sector
by Paraskevas Perlegkas; Stella Sofianopoulou; Dimitris Psychoyios
International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking (IJPMB), Vol. 4, No. 4, 2014

Abstract: This paper aims to evaluate banks that operate within the Greek banking sector on the basis of both financial and environmental criteria. More specifically, the main target is to identify the most socially responsible banks, without of course excluding financial indices criteria that are of catalytic importance. To accomplish our goal, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is employed which will provide us with results and conclusions on the banks' performance, but more important, will depict which commercial banks implement policies and procedures of corporate social responsibility (CSR) more effectively. The findings of this study not only point in the right direction for the strengthening of the backbone of the Greek banking sector, but also enlighten the importance of implementing sustainability practices and at the same time constitute a major challenge for other banks to implement such policies.

Online publication date: Fri, 31-Oct-2014

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