How cognitive coordination promotes collaborative knowledge-sharing performance: the mediating role of interorganisational knowledge flows
by Jenn-Maw Cheng; Nicolai J. Foss; Yingshing Lin; Shih-Chieh Fang
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital (IJLIC), Vol. 10, No. 3/4, 2013

Abstract: In this research, we conceptualise quasi-integration, learning by interaction, shared meaning and shared values as mechanisms that managers can deploy or influence in order to align cognitive frames (i.e., achieve 'cognitive coordination') and thereby foster knowledge flows in the context of alliances and other inter-firm relations. The empirical setting is the Taiwanese semiconductor industry. Based on a sample of 353 firms in the vertical chain of this industry we test proposed relationships between the above mechanisms and knowledge-sharing performance. Structural equation modelling largely supports the theoretical predictions.

Online publication date: Wed, 29-Jan-2014

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